Dr. Drew Timmermans, ND

Drew Timmermans, ND, is the co-founder of Regenerative Performance in Gilbert, AZ, specializing in regenerative medicine. His expertise is deeply rooted in non-surgical treatments, focusing on alleviating chronic musculoskeletal and nerve pain. With a steadfast commitment to identifying and treating the underlying causes of chronic pain, Dr. Timmermans dedicates his practice to disrupting the status quo by challenging the conventional approach to pain management.


Chronic pain treatment & management

Dr. Timmermans uses a holistic, systemic approach to treating chronic pain.

Perineural Injection Therapy

Subcutaneous injections of low concentration dextrose to reduce neurogenic inflammation and pain.

Nerve Hydrodisection

Ultrasound-guided regenerative injections around nerves to treat neurogenic inflammation and pain.

Microfragmented Adipose Injections

Injections of minimally processed adipose tissue following a mini lipoaspiration procedure to help stimulate the body to heal itself.

Dextrose Prolotherapy

A nonsurgical technique involving the injection of dextrose into an injured area to stimulate healing.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Injections of high concentration platelets and other growth factors from your own blood to help stimulate healing.

Scar Therapy

Injections within and around scars to improve fascial movement and reduce scar associated pain.

Bone Marrow Concentrate Injections

Injections of minimally processed bone marrow to help stimulate the body to heal itself.

Stellate Ganglion Block

Local anesthetic injection around the stellate ganglion to help reduce symptoms of PTSD

Peptide Therapy

Injections of peptides to help stimulate the body’s ability to heal from chronic pain


Dr. Timmermans

Dr. Timmermans received his naturopathic medical degree from the Sonoran University of Health Sciences (formerly Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine) in Tempe Arizona. He then went on to complete the first-ever residency in regenerative medicine and integrative pain management at the Neil Riordan Center for Regenerative Medicine at SUHS in Tempe, Arizona. During his residency, he received advanced training in ultrasound and fluoroscopic guided injections for conventional steroid injections, prolotherapy, platelet-rich plasma, and bone marrow concentrate injections, with a heavy focus in spine conditions. Following the completion of his residency, he sought out additional training in microfragmented adipose injections and nerve hydrodissection. As a naturopathic doctor, Dr. Timmermans’ approach to resolving chronic pain and disease focuses on finding and treating the root cause, assessing and treating the whole person, and helping the body heal itself.


Back Story

Dr. Timmermans grew up in a small town about 30 km west of London, Ontario. He has always been intrigued with the inner workings of the human body, and ultimately received his Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from the University of Western Ontario. During that time, he competed as a long sprinter in the 300m, 4x200m and 4x400m relay, and the 600m. During his last year, he anchored the 4x400m relay to a silver medal at the Canadian national championships, contributing to Western’s first ever Men’s National Championship Title.

After his undergraduate studies, Dr. Timmermans started working as a personal trainer for GoodLife Fitness, Canada’s largest health club company, with over 300 locations across the country. Within a short amount of time, Dr. Timmermans established himself as a leader not only at his gym, but across the entire company. After only 16 months, he was recognized as one of the Top 500 employees and Top 10 Personal Trainers within the company, nationwide.

During his time working as a personal trainer, Dr. Timmermans realized that he was passionate about helping people to improve their health through nutrition and exercise, and derived great joy when his clients would tell him that their doctors took them off blood pressure or lipid lowering medications. One of his clients suggested that he should look into naturopathic medicine because she could see his passion, and this was the turning point for him.

After learning about the philosophy and principles of naturopathic medicine, Dr. Timmermans immediately realized he had found his calling. Later that year he enrolled at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine.



Dr. Timmermans is a practitioner with many different tools at his disposal to accomplish a specific goal with each particular patient. Because of this, each patient receives an individualized regenerative injection treatment approach to address their current pain.

9 months before enrolling at SCNM, Dr. Timmermans was in a car accident that ended his track and field career with a lumbar disc herniation. He continued to suffer from chronic low back pain for the next 2 years and almost didn’t attend SCNM due to the inability to sit for long periods without significant pain. In his second year at SCNM, he attended a sports medicine conference hosted by the AAOM, where he was diagnosed with an iliolumbar ligament injury, which was treated the following day with platelet-rich plasma injections. Within three months, Dr. Timmermans was 100% pain-free and realized that his true calling in life was to help patients suffering from chronic pain with regenerative injections. The rest is history.

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